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Thank you to Flash Exterminating


Thank you to Woodside Tailor Shop and Dry Cleaning Service!

The staff at Mr. Fixsmith will work with any of your electronic needs. They are supporters of Youth Stars. We are proud of our partnership with them!

The staff at Mr. Fixsmith will work with any of your electronic needs. They are supporters of Youth Stars. We are proud of our partnership with them!

With the help of our generous sponsors, Youth Stars has been able to thrive and expand to new lengths. As a non-profit organization, these sponsors are very helpful to us. Individuals, as well as our community, positively benefit from these sponsorships. Thank you for your kindness and generosity!

Are you interested in becoming a sponsor for Youth Stars Inc.? Fill out the information below and we will be in contact with you shortly!

There are several leagues Youth Stars affiliates with throughout the year:

"Don't miss the details!”

"Don't miss the details!”


What is C.Y.O?

CYO stands for Catholic Youth Organization. CYO's mission is to help young adults become closer to Christ. The children themselves are the main focus, not the athletic activity. Through the participation of sports,  CYO encourages well-being, Christ-like values, patience, kindness, sportsmanship, and leadership qualities. The organization promotes spiritual growth, dignity, and service to the community.


Bridging the Gap is a competitive basketball summer league located in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn.


I.B.L has been competing in basketball and other sports for over 20 years, and it is a top ranked competitive league similar to A.A.U programs.